My favourite series
Narcos is an American crime web television series created and produced by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard, and Doug Miro. Season 1, comprising 10 episodes, originally aired on August 28, 2015, as a Netflix exclusive.
Set and filmed in Colombia, season 1 tells the story of drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar's interactions with drug lords, DEA agents, and various opposition entities. The series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on September 2, 2016 with 10 episodes On September 6, 2016, Netflix renewed the series for a third and fourth season.
I started watching it because all the students in our school are watching it. I realized that this series is very interesting and I enjoy the trafic of drogue between Columbia and the USA. Also I'm very impressed about the relationship between the cartels.
There are guns , cocaïna, explosions! The characters are ridiculous and care just about themselves. The dialogues are understood and attractive. Even the police of Colombia or of America can't stop Pablo Escobar.
The beginning of the season 2 was quite strange because during the season 1 Pablo was died . But I like this series, I never get enough of it.
I'm in love with this series, I saw the season 2 , and I'm waiting for the season 3.
I'm in love with this series, I saw the season 2 , and I'm waiting for the season 3.
Hello Zakaria my name is Josh. I really like the series Narcos too. I love the story line and also how the different drug cartels worked with each other. My favorite Tv series is The Walking Dead its about the dead coming back to life and you follow a group of survivors who try to make it in the new world they live in. My favorite character is Rick he is the leader of the group.